Day to Day. Pictures to Life.

Day to Day. Pictures to Life.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Totally forgot how to work this site...

Oh yeah; it just happened. I just spent 5 minutes on my blog; trying to figure out how to make a new post. Maybe a tiny post it note would aid me in the future.
So basically, it's snowed. Nothing amazing, but at one point I was walking and stepped in snow up to the top of my ankles. I officially call this a win on the behalf of british weather. However, buses have stopped; basically the whole of england was too busy going OMG OMG OMG SNOW YAAAY; and forgot to take the nessacary precautions to prevent the snow putting the country in melt down mode.
Last night, I decided to go out; despite the snow and lack of buses. The night started well; with me tripping over in the petrol station and re twisting my ankle. Who says high heels and snowy ice dont mix... oh yeah....
So then finally after baby steps; I got to my friends house; then we realised the next running bus wasn't for an hour; we tried ringing all the taxi's we could think of. everywhere was full :( Then a not in service bus drove past and let us on for free WOOO. Then town was really busy for a saturday. But getting on that bus for free had made my night :P 60 quid later I'm in a taxi coming home YAAY.
That was all.
Well not really, but i'm too lazy to type >< bahaha
Peace, love and some other jazz

Wednesday 15 December 2010

So like basically,

I mean seriously though,
Who causes a fire whilst cooking salmon; exactly as the instructions tell you? Then freak out and throw the frying pan outside and burn they're hand, neck and face in the proccess? Oh yeah I do.
Asides from fire related injuries,
I've discovered that I need my hands alot more than I thought I did; I mean most things you can do with your hands; I'm pretty sure you could substitute for feet... but earlier as i tried grabbing the remote with my feet, (in pure laziness rather than self improvement on feet using abilitys) I discovered it's alot less effort to actually get up, pick up the controlls and do it that way, or even get up and use the buttons on the tele. So basically what I'm saying is, there is infact no need to use your hands as feet (ofcourse if you don't own a pair of hands then I guess foot use is your only means of doing things, unless you get a prosthetic tentacle....)
And yet using your feet as hands can be quite enjoyable...
Yeah that was really all..
Just Sayin'

So it's come to my attention;

that more and more recently, I am sleeping for longer and dreaming for longer and being awake for less time... I'm pretty sure I'll one day just dream all day with a small portion of the day, say 3 hours and i'm actually awake.... Or am I?! MUHAHAHAHA

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Another story; bit fxcked up


I looked around, the air around me tingling with the anticipation of a new day. Clouds of mist shrouded me in a cocoon of safety. As the sun came through the trees, casting orange rays through my cocoon; I felt uneasy, as if engulfed in flames. The birds began to chirp and I smiled, my eyes wide and my face tilted, embarrassing the warm sun.
"Cheri, Cheri, how are you?" Shrill voices called, shattering the peace. I laughed, I can't speak to birds; that's crazy. But they wouldn't stop-
"What are you doing?"
"Why are you here?"
"Where are you going?" They called after as I began to run. The cool air tearing at my skin like a thousand blades. Tears began to stream from my eyes and as I ran. I fell.
I held out my hands in front of me and with a crack I impacted the leafy earth. I looked around to see I was on the edge of a forest - a luscious green field field beheld me; glistening in the early sunrise. I grinned, nothing would find me here. I sat, leaning on a nearby tree to inspect my injuries.
My left arm was a bloody mess of grass and quickly congealing blood. 'Great' I thought as I tried to rub away the dirt with a scrap of torn shirt. There was quite a deep cut and through it poked a shattered piece of bone. As I tried to push back the bone, I retched; both the pain and the suddenly overwhelming smell of blood were too much.

My pet elephant

I bought this postcard; and I thought I'd write a story about it.

Pet Elephant.

"Mommy, look what I found?" Emily shrieked at her mother from the garden.
"What is it dear?" Her mother looked up, but continued washing the dishes.
"An Elemafunt!!" She laughed as she held it up; taking the ribbon out of her hair and tying it around the small creatures neck. "Can I keep it?!"
Her mother sighed, nodded and continues her work.

The elephant was small and blue; a strange colour for any creature. But this elephant was special, it had eyes of emerald green, and a tiny tail of lace. Each little toenail was painted in a soft grey. Each floppy ear was made of the softest velvet; and Emily loved him very much. The bright blue bow that Emily had given him, nearly touched the ground when the elephant was stood up.

Emily took the elephant everywhere; she even called it Maxy. She called it this, because she didn't know if it was a boy or girl, and she figured that can be both a girl and boy name. When she told her mom Maxy's new name she smiled proudly, and held him up for inspection. She loved Maxy so much that she asked for a little pullalong, to carry him around on, because he couldn't walk by himself. Emily often took Maxy to the park, talking to him all the time. She spoke a funny little language to Maxy, that if you heard it in passing, you would thing the little girl was crazy. But when you asked her about it, she'd just smile and whisper to the little elephant.

One day, Emily was playing in the park with Maxy and she wondered off looking for flowers; she left Maxy to sit in the glorious sunshine; she told him she'd be back in a minute. But when she got back, Maxy was no where to be seen. Her little blue eyes whelled up with crystal tears and rolled down her cheeks. She called out to him; but nothing happened.
' Maxy can't walk,' she murmered staring anxiously around the park. 'Maxy is doesn't know how to talk to other people. He's going to get hurt. My poor Maxy' The tears fell quick and fast, staining her little pink dress. She sat in the grass and screamed out for her little blue elephant.
She felt a small nudge on her arm; looking up she saw the tiny elephant smiling at her; his tiny little ears flapping in the wind. She reached out to hug the animal; but he shyed away from her, taking wobbly steps towards the water.
'Maxy... where are you going?' She tried running after him, but for a beginner at walking, he got the hang of it quickly and jumped into the black water of the lake.
When Maxy jumped into the water, he sank; far beyond the sight of poor Emily. Her immediate thought was the tiny elephant needed saving, and so that's what she did. She took off her little white shoes and jumped into the murky water. As she did so, she found herself, not swimming; but floating down to the bottom of the lake. But the water wasn't as she expected, it was warm and bright; 'Strange' she thought outloud. As she spoke she realised that she was no longer in the murky lake into which she had leapt; but instead sitting on the green grass of a beautiful field.

She stood suddenly, confused. 'Where am I?' She called out, hoping for a response; looking around for her tiny elephant.


I write stories late at night. madness may ensue.


''Hello Kitten, you're so lovely.''
''Oh why thankyou tiny mouse, but I'm afraid I'm feeling rather peckish and thusly I have to eat you.''
'' Owh, okay, do you want me to run around a bit?'
''Hmm, yes that would be quite exciting, I must admit,''
''So It's settled, I shall run, you shall chase me, and I shall be your lunch?''
''Oh no, I just wish you to sit in my stomach for a bit! That would be quite rude to eat you, plus I'm on a diet!''
''How interesting, but when will I come out?''
''Just stroll on out when I'm sleeping?''
''Oh right, cool; I guess I'll see you later then!''
''Tata for now''
And with that the mouse began to run. the kitten chased it, jsut as they arranged and swalled the mouse whole.
''Om Nom Nom Nom''


Once upone a time, in a land a little closer than you might expect lived an old lady named Dorris. ''It was a suitable name for an old lady,'' she thought to herself while pottering about her garden. She had curly grey hair and a welcoming smile, and she was nice and cuddley.
As she was admiring the flowers in her garden one day, she started thinking aloud, you know how old people do.
''Oh I wish I was young again...''
At that moment a small voice squeeked out from among the pansys.
''Hey, Hey, Dorris!!''
It was very strange, and Dorris thought she may have been imagining it, and carried on remembering her youth. But once again the voice called up. On closer inspection, she saw a tiny pink caterpillar;
''Dorris, I can help!!'' As Dorris looked, she saw it's tiny mouth moving, and its little arms waving around. Just going along with this strange turn of events, she asked
'' How can a little thing like you help an old lady like me then?''
'' First, put me on that juicy cabbage and I shall make you young again!''
Dorris laughed, 'What a silly little creature' she thought, placing him on the cabbage leaf.
''You're new name is Ella!'' The caterpillar cherped.
''But what difference will a name make? You promised to make me younger!'' With this she pottered back to the kitchen, a little dissapointed, that the caterpillar hadn't granted her wish.
' Well I guess it was just a caterpillar' she thought, ' But then again, normal caterpillars don't talk... Oh well'.
That evening as Dorris, who's new name was Ella, was making her dinner, when she brushed her hair away from her face; this was strange as her hair was short and curly, and never got in her face. She ignored it, and carried on cooking her potatoes. When checking the vegatables, she caught a glimpse of a beautiful young woman, with long brown hair and soft skin. Confused she turned around to see who this lady was; seeing no one she carried on with her jobs.
''What a strange day I'm having'' she thought.
But that evening as she was just about to clean her teeth and wash her face, she looked up into the mirror to see this beautiful woman again; looking down herself she realised she was this beautiful woman. The caterpillar had restored her to her former beauty and youth!
'' I guess if you're nice to people, they're nice back eh?'' She chuckled to herself.
The next morning, she went out to the garden to thank the caterpillar, but she found nothing. It was a nice morning so she decided to have breakfast outside; as she was sipping her tea, a beautiful butterfly landed on her scone.
''See what difference a name makes? I'm now a butterfly, beautiful and marvelous, instead of an ugly old caterpillar.''
Nature what a strange little thing.

De ja vu?

Basically a quick one about de ja vu.

For me de ja vu is often something I have dreamed before; which leads me to beg the question, how did I dream something I did not know. Is it in fact that dreams are the reality we live in? Cos recently I have been writing down dreams, just as a little hobby, and there are reaccuring places, such as a sweet shop round a corner in a place called London; but it’s not our London, nor is it like anywhere I’ve been. And other such reoccuring things. So is de ja vu merely us dreaming of a past event (keeping in mind dreams are reality) so really we’re dreaming about something we’ve already done, as ofcourse we only dream what we know.

Hmmm who knows, but something to ponder eh?